IPLab:Lab 5:α1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
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This is a gross photograph of the lungs from this case. The rough friable material on the surface of the lung (arrows) is fibrinous exudate and fibrous tissue. This reaction on the surface of the lung is due to the recent surgery. The emphysematous changes are not easily appreciated in this photograph.
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This is a gross photograph of the cut sections of lung from this case. The lung parenchyma is markedly hemorrhagic and consolidated. Again the hemorrhage makes it difficult to appreciate the emphysematous changes.
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This is a gross photograph of the bronchi and lungs. Note the hemorrhage in the bronchi and in the lung parenchyma.
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This is a low-power photomicrograph from an area of the lung without significant hemorrhage. The enlarged, emphysematous air spaces are easily appreciated.
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This is a gross photograph of the liver from this case. The capsule is somewhat thickened and the surface is slightly roughened, though it is difficult to appreciate the nodularity of the liver.
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Friable material is easily crumbled.
Consolidation is the filling of lung air spaces with exudate--this is a sign of pneumonia.