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IPLab:Lab 5:Hemochromatosis

4 bytes added, 19:49, 8 July 2020
== Images ==
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File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis1IPLab5Hemochromatosis1b.jpg|This is a gross photograph of liver (1) and pancreas (2) from this case of hemochromatosis. Note that both of these organs have a dark brown coloration. File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis2IPLab5Hemochromatosis2b.jpg|This is a gross photograph of a cut section of liver from this case of hemochromatosis. Note that the liver is dark brown. Although hard to appreciate in a photograph, the tissue is also firm (cirrhotic).File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis3IPLab5Hemochromatosis3b.jpg|This is a low-power micrograph of liver from this patient. Note the nodularity of the tissue (arrows).
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis4.jpg|This higher-power view of liver from this case demonstrates the nodules and the brown/black pigment within liver parenchymal cells (arrows).
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis5.jpg|This higher-power photomicrograph demonstrates the increased fibrosis in the periportal area (1) and the pigment accumulation (2).
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis6.jpg|This trichrome stain of liver section demonstrates the increased fibrous connective tissue in this liver. Note that the liver nodules (1) are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue (2).
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis7IPLab5Hemochromatosis7b.jpg|This is a low-power view of liver section stained with Prussian blue. Prussian blue reacts with iron in the tissue to give a blue color.
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis8.jpg|This higher-power view of liver stained with Prussian blue demonstrates the marked accumulation of iron within the parenchymal cells (1) and in the Kupffer cells in the periportal area (2).
File:IPLab5Hemochromatosis9.jpg|This is a gross picture of pancreas from this case. Note the brown discoloration of the tissue.

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