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IPLab:Lab 7:Adenocarcinoma

119 bytes added, 04:21, 23 August 2013
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# decreased intake of protective vitamins.
It is thought that reduced fiber content leads to decreased stool bulk, increased fecal transit time in the bowel, and an altered bacterial flora of the intestine. Potentially toxic oxidative byproducts of carbohydrate degradation by bacteria are therefore present in higher concentrations in the small stools and are held in contact with the colonic mucosa for longer periods of time. More recent epidemiologic data have raised some doubt about the importance of fiber in the diet but most nutritionalists still recommend high fiber diet to help prevent colon cancer. Moreover, high fat intake enhances the synthesis of cholesterol and bile acids by the liver, which in turn may be converted into potential carcinogens by intestinal bacteria. Refined diets also contain less vitamins A, C, and E, which may act as oxygen radical scavengers.</spoiler>
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