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IPLab:Lab 5:α1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

38 bytes removed, 18:19, 19 August 2013
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File:IPLab5Antitrypsin3.jpg|This is a gross photograph of the bronchi and lungs. Note the hemorrhage in the bronchi and in the lung parenchyma.
File:IPLab5Antitrypsin4.jpg|This is a low-power photomicrograph from an area of the lung without significant hemorrhage. The enlarged, emphysematous air spaces are easily appreciated.
File:IPLab5Antitrypsin5.jpg|This is a gross photograph low-power photomicrograph from an area of the liver from this caselung without significant hemorrhage. The capsule is somewhat thickened and the surface is slightly roughenedenlarged, though it is difficult to appreciate the nodularity of the liveremphysematous air spaces are easily appreciated.

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