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IPLab:Lab 2:Metaplasia

1 byte added, 15:47, 19 August 2013
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File:IPLab2Metaplasia1.jpg|This is a low-power photomicrograph showing the full cortical and medullary thickness of the kidney. Note that there is a dilated calyx containing some red blood cells in the center of the section (arrow). The cortex is markedly thin and has severe lesions of degeneration and atrophy, although these are hard to appreciate at this low magnification.
File:IPLab2Metaplasia2.jpg|his This high-power photomicrograph demonstrates the transitional epithelium lining the renal calyx (1) and the junction (transition zone) to a thicker hyperplastic epithelium (2). Note the inflammatory cells and increased vascular response in the stromal tissue (3) lying beneath the normal transitional epithelium.
File:IPLab2Metaplasia3.jpg|A higher-power view shows the junction of normal epithelium (1) with hyperplastic transitional epithelium (2). Note the inflammatory cells in the subepithelial tissue.
File:IPLab2Metaplasia4.jpg|This is a higher-power photomicrograph of the junction of normal epithelium (1) with hyperplastic transitional epithelium (2).

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