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IPLab:Lab 4:Thrombosis

1 byte added, 19:14, 8 July 2020
<gallery heights="250px" widths="250px">
File:IPLab4Thrombosis1.jpg|This is a gross photograph of thrombosed coronary artery (arrows).
File:IPLab4Thrombosis2IPLab4Thrombosis2b.jpg|This is a low-power photomicrograph of thrombosed coronary artery. The thrombus (1) completely occludes the vessel. Note the layering of the thrombus. The fibrous cap is ruptured (arrow) and there is hemorrhage into the atherosclerotic plaque. Note the cholesterol crystals in the plaque.
File:IPLab4Thrombosis3.jpg|This is a higher-power photomicrograph of the ruptured fibrous cap (arrows) with hemorrhage (1) into the atherosclerotic plaque.
File:IPLab4Thrombosis4.jpg|This is another high-power photomicrograph of the ruptured fibrous cap (arrows) with hemorrhage (1) into the atherosclerotic plaque. Note the presence of cholesterol crystals.

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