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Cytologically Yours: Unknowns: 201311: Case 2

511 bytes added, 16:04, 10 January 2014
Created page with "==Clinical History== 48 year old male with a solid thyroid nodule on ultrasound. ==Cytology== <gallery heights="250px" widths="px"> CytologicallyYoursUnknowns201311-1-01.jpg ..."
==Clinical History==
48 year old male with a solid thyroid nodule on ultrasound.

<gallery heights="250px" widths="px">


===Resident Questions===
* <spoiler text="Diagnosis?">
* Follicular neoplasm </spoiler?">
* <spoiler text="What are the most common molecular associations with follicular neoplasms/ follicular carcinoma?">
* Ras mutations in 48%.
* PAX8-PPAR gamma rearrangement in 36%


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