no edit summary
| `[table]` || || Syntax for indicating a table
| FROM || || Denotes which table SELECT pulls the columns from (e.g. SELECT [col1],[col2] FROM `''table''`
| INTO || SELECT * or ''column_name(s)''<br />INTO ''newtable'' [IN ''externaldb'']<br />FROM ''table1'';|| Used with SELECT command to copy ''column_names'' from ''table1'' into ''newtable''
| SELECT || || Selects columns from a database for analysis
| UPDATE || UPDATE ''table_name''<br />SET ''column1=value1,column2=value2,...''<br />WHERE ''some_column''=''some_value;'' || Changes ''column1'' to ''value1'' based on the WHERE statement (use something unique to update only one row)
| USE [database] || || Selects database for manipulation and analysis