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IPLab:Lab 10:Cryptococcosis

263 bytes added, 21:54, 9 July 2020
Clinical Summary
== Clinical Summary ==
This 46-year-old male presented with a complaint of right-sided chest pain of six months duration. Chest x-ray showed a nodular mass in the lower lobe of the right lung. The mass was resected surgically.
== Autopsy Findings == The 3.5 x 2.5-cm mass was firm, gray, and gelatinous. The mass proved to be a cryptococcal lesion.
== Images ==
File:IPLab10Crypto12.jpg|This is a touch prep of fresh lung tissue that was allowed to air dry and then stained to show the mucopolysaccharide capsule around the cryptococcal organisms (arrows).
== Virtual Microscopy ==
=== H&E ===
=== Mucicarmine ===
== Study Questions ==
=== Images ===
* [{{SERVER}}/library/index.php?/tags/2157-cryptococcosis PEIR Digital Library: Cryptococcosis]
* [ WebPath: Infection]
== Related IPLab Cases ==
* [[IPLab:Lab 5:&alpha;1 Antitrypsin Deficiency|Lab 5: Lung: &alpha;1-Antitrypsin Deficiency]]* [[IPLab:Lab 12:COPD|Lab 12: Lung: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease]]
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[[Category: IPLab:Lab 10]]

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