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IPLab:Lab 4:Pulmonary Congestion and Edema

483 bytes added, 14:24, 21 August 2013
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File:IPLab4PulmonaryCongestion7.jpg|This high-power photomicrograph illustrates the edema fluid within the alveoli (1) and the congestion (RBCs) in the alveolar capillaries (arrows).
== Study Questions ==
* <spoiler text="Name two types of edema fluid.">Inflammatory edema has a higher protein content (specific gravity > 1.020) and is associated with an inflammatory reaction.
Noninflammatory edema is caused by alterations in hemodynamic forces across the capillary wall (hemodynamic edema).</spoiler>
* <spoiler text="Define the following:
# anasarca">Anasarca: severe and generalized edema which includes marked swelling of the subcutaneous tissues.</spoiler>
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