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IPLab:Lab 13:Hyaline Membrane Disease

863 bytes added, 21:23, 9 July 2020
Clinical Summary
This 28-hour-old white male was the product of an uncomplicated vaginal delivery by a G1 24-year-old mother whose pregnancy had also been uncomplicated. The infant was born pre-term at 36 weeks gestation and was appropriate for gestational age, weighing 2550 grams. Three hours after birth, the infant developed cyanosis and required 40% oxygen to maintain a pink color. Because of a worsening respiratory distress syndrome, the infant (1 day old) was transferred to a tertiary care hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit. Following the transfer, the respiratory distress progressed and the admitting arterial blood gases were pH 7.31, PaCO2 35, and PaO2 35. The condition of the patient continued to deteriorate despite therapy, and he became "shocky" with efforts to increase blood volume. He developed a persistent bradycardia and died about 4 hours after admission.
== Autopsy Findings ==The At autopsy the organs generally showed no abnormalities other than those of immaturity expected at this gestational age. There was moderate diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage and a small amount of blood in the pleural and pericardial cavities.
== Images ==
File:IPLab13Hyaline9.jpg|This higher-power photomicrograph shows more clearly the hyaline membranes (arrows) and the congestion in the interstitium.
== Virtual Microscopy ==
=== Liver ===
=== Lung ===
== Study Questions ==
== Additional Resources ==
=== Reference ===
* [ eMedicine Medical Library: Respiratory Distress Syndrome]* [ Merck Manual: Respiratory Distress Syndrome]
=== Journal Articles ===
* Clark RH, Gerstmann DR, Jobe AH, Moffitt ST, Slutsky AS, Yoder BA. [ Lung injury in neonates: causes, strategies for prevention, and long-term consequences]. ''J Pediatr'' 2001 Oct;139(4):478-86.
=== Images ===
* [{{SERVER}}/library/index.php?/tags/48-hyaline_membrane_disease PEIR Digital Library: Hyaline Membrane Disease Images] == Related IPLab Cases ==* [ WebPath: Pediatric-Perinatal Pathology]
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