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Cytologically Yours: Unknowns: 201401: Case 2

34 bytes added, 20:04, 16 January 2014
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===Resident Questions===
* <spoiler text="Diagnosis?">__NOGLOSSARY__
* Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplasm
** Include Islet cell tumor and pancreatic carcinoid tumors
** Approximately 5 percent % of pancreatic neoplasms
** Most commonly seen in both male and female adults between 40-60 years old but can occur at any age
** Small (1-5 cm) well circumscribed lesion may look cystic on imaging
** Can be part of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia-1, von Hipple-Lindau disease, Neurofibromatosis type 1, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
* <spoiler text="What are some of the cytologic features that lead you to the diagnosis?">__NOGLOSSARY__
* Cellular smear with singly dispersed uniform cells
* Loosely cohesive or discohesive uniform cells
* Round/oval bland cells with salt and pepper chromatin
* <spoiler text="Differential diagnosis?"> __NOGLOSSARY__
* Acinar cell carcinoma
** Clusters, acinar groups and single cells with abundant granular cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli

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