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518 bytes added, 16:52, 21 August 2013
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;PPD test
:Mycobateria grow very slowly on culture plates, with cultures requiring up to 6 weeks for a positive finding. In lieu of cultures, a more rapid diagnostic test is the PPD--purified protein derivative of tuberculosis--test. PPD is injected under the skin of an individual and then the area is reexamined in 48-72 hours for signs of an inflammatory reaction. A positive test indicates previous exposure to M. tuberculosis.
:A thoracotomy is a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the chest wall.
:Plural of embolus. An embolus is something that blocks the blood flow in a blood vessel. It may be a gas bubble, a blood clot, a fat globule, a mass of bacteria, or other foreign body. It usually forms somewhere else and travels through the circulatory system until it gets stuck.
;iliofemoral venous thrombosis
:Thrombosis occurring in the deep veins of the legs is a common sequela seen post-operatively.

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