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IPLab:Lab 3:Acute Appendicitis

Revision as of 22:47, 19 June 2020 by Peter Anderson (talk | contribs) (Autopsy Findings)


Clinical SummaryEdit

An 11-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of 8 hours of severe pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. On admission his temperature was 101° F and he had a leukocytosis of 21,200 cells/cmm with a shift to the left. An exploratory laparotomy revealed an inflamed appendix, retrocecal in location, which was adherent to the wall of the colon.

The serosal surface of the appendix was covered with friable granular material. The lumen was dilated and contained a purulent exudate as well as a fecalith. The wall measured up to 0.4 cm in thickness.


Virtual MicroscopyEdit

Appendicitis (left) and Normal Appendix (right)Edit

Study QuestionsEdit

Additional ResourcesEdit

A shift to the left indicates an increased ratio of immature PMNs (bands) to mature PMNs (segs).

Friable material is easily crumbled.

A fecalith is a hardened collection of fecal matter formed within the intestine.

An infiltrate is an accumulation of cells in the lung parenchyma--this is a sign of pneumonia.

An infiltrate is an accumulation of cells in the lung parenchyma--this is a sign of pneumonia.