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IPLab:Lab 7:Malignant Melanoma

1,464 bytes added, 15:35, 21 August 2013
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File:IPLab7Melanoma8.jpg|This is a high-power photomicrograph of the main tumor mass showing the cellular details. The individual melanoma cells contain large nuclei with irregular contours having chromatin clumped at the periphery of the nuclear membrane and prominent red (eosinophilic) nucleoli.
== Study Question ==
* <spoiler text="What are the possible sites of origin for melanomas?">Most melanomas arise in the skin; however, other sites of origin include the oral and anogenital mucosal surfaces, esophagus, meninges, and the eye.</spoiler>
* <spoiler text="What are risk factors for developing melanoma?">Sunlight appears to play an important role in the development of skin malignant melanoma. Lightly pigmented individuals are at higher risk for the development of melanoma than darkly pigmented individuals. Sunlight does not seem to be the only predisposing factor, and the presence of a pre-existing nevus (e.g., a dysplastic nevus), hereditary factors, or even exposure to certain carcinogens may play a role in lesion development and evolution.</spoiler>
* <spoiler text="What role may tumor specific antigens play in development of malignant melanoma?">Approximately 40% of human melanomas express a tumor specific antigen referred to as melanoma antigen-1 (MAGE-1). Molecular analysis has revealed that the gene encoding MAGE-1 is present in normal cells as well as in tumor cells, and there is no evidence that it is mutated in cancer cells. However, as has been seen in some animal tumors, the gene is silent in normal adult cells; whether or not it is expressed during development remains to be determined. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells specific for MAGE-1 can be obtained by culturing tumor cells with patients’ lymphocytes in vitro.</spoiler>
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