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Revision as of 18:06, 8 July 2014 by Seung Park (talk | contribs)


Chapter 1: Histology

Chapter 2: The Cell

Chapter 3: Epithelial Cells

Chapter 4: Support Cells and the Extracellular Matrix

Chapter 5: Contractile Cells

Chapter 6: Nervous Tissue

Chapter 7: Blood Cells

Chapter 8: Immune System

Chapter 9: Blood and Lymphatic Circulatory Systems and Heart

Chapter 10: Respiratory System

Chapter 11: Alimentary Tract

Chapter 12: Liver

Chapter 13: Musculoskeletal System

Chapter 14: Endocrine System

Chapter 15: Urinary System

Chapter 16: Male Reproductive System

Chapter 17: Female Reproductive System

Chapter 18: Skin and Breast

Chapter 19: Special Senses


This Virtual Microscopy Histology Laboratory Manual is a derivative work from the laboratory teaching materials produced over many years by anatomists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine. The instructors who designed the curriculum, acquired the teaching slide sets and developed this laboratory manual were: George Hand, Ph.D., Jim Sheetz, Ph.D. and Laura Cotlin, Ph.D.

The virtual microscopy slides described in this manual are primarily scans of original glass slides used in the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine Cell Biology and Histology teaching program. Additional virtual microscopy slides were kindly contributed by: James L. Fishback, MD, University of Kansas School of Medicine; Mary Ann Sens, MD, PhD, University of North Dakota School of Medicine; and Richard M. Conran, M.D., Ph.D., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.

Peter G. Anderson, D.V.M., Ph.D. Professor & Director of Pathology Undergraduate Education Department of Pathology University of Alabama at Birmingham Volker Hall, 213 1670 University Boulevard Birmingham, Alabama 35294-0019

Phone: 205-934-2414 Email Address: Web page: