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RADIOLOGY: HEPATOBILIARY: Case# 32770: GALLBLADDER CA. 88 year old female with partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer disease. The patient has right upper quadrant pain. 1) Polypoid mass within the gallbladder consistent with carcinoma. 2) The hepatic flexure may be involved with tumor as no fat plane is seen between the gallbladder and hepatic flexure; there are no focal lesions within the liver and there is no lymphadenopathy to suggest metastatic disease. 3) Mild central intrahepatic biliary dilatation, but no extrahepatic biliary dilitation. No lesions seen to account for the mild central hepatic biliary dilitation. Suggest correlation with LFTs and possible ERCP as clinically indicated. 4) Calcified fibroids within the uterus. 5) Very tiny left pleural effusion.

Peter Anderson