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RADIOLOGY: KIDNEY: Case# 33933: ACUTE PYELONEPHRITIS; CHOLELITHIASIS. 50 year old female status post right nephrectomy for previous renal abscess. Patient has left flank pain and is febrile. 1. Acute pyelonephritis of the left kidney with some areas of necrosis involving the left renal cortex. Inflammatory changes and free fluid are within a left perinephric space. No gas collections identified either within the kidney or perinephric region. 2. Status post right nephrectomy. 3. Cholelithiasis. 4. Ileus. 5. Marked cardiomegaly. 6. Left pleural effusions with consolidative changes within the posterior medial basal segment of the left lower lobe. Airspace disease also involves the posterior basal segment of the right lower lobe. In conjunction with the findings of the left kidney, these areas are suspicious for hematogenous dissemination of infection.

Peter Anderson
kidney, radiology