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RADIOLOGY: GASTROINTESTINAL: GI: Case# 33085: ?GASTRIC MASS; LIEOMYOSARCOMA. This is a 78-year-old female status post cholecystectomy in 1994 and coronary artery bypass in 1995. 1. Mass in the lesser curve of the stomach. Differential for this lesion includes leiomyosarcoma, lymphoma, and the less likely possibility that this an exophytic lesion from the left lobe of the liver, ( a fibrolamellar HCC based on the slow growth). 2. Pneumobilia, patient is status post sphincterotomy. 3. Fluid in the uterine cavity which may be due to cervical stenosis or endometrial hyperplasia, carcinoma. Clinical correlation and/or ultrasound is recommended for further evaluation. 4. Mild heart enlargement with left ventricular hypertrophy.

Peter Anderson