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RADIOLOGY: ADRENAL: Case# 33890: LEFT ADRENAL MASS, REPRESENTS ADENOMA. MASS SUPERIOR TO THE LEFT KIDNEY IS RELATED TO THE PANCREATIC CANCER. 77-year-old female with a history of recurrent glucagonoma. She is status post partial pancreatectomy and is status post splenectomy from 1987. She has received radiation therapy. 1. A mass superior to the left kidney is possibly minimally enlarged since 9/1/95. This is immediately adjacent to the kidney, but was felt on earlier scans to be related to the pancreatic cancer and not a renal cancer. 2. Left adrenal mass, essentially without change since 9/1/95. This probably represents adenoma. 3. Low attenuation cystic structure in the tail of the pancreas without change since 9/1/95.

Peter Anderson