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RADIOLOGY: PANCREAS: Case# 32786: PANCREATIC MASS VS. PANCREATITIS; PV THROMBOSIS. Sixty year old black male with alcohol abuse with a recent bout of pancreatitis from 10/16 through 10/24 now with recurrent abdominal, fever and chills. 1) Slight worsening of the portal vein thrombosis as described above. 2) Interval decrease in the amount of ascites; however, the bilateral pleural effusions are slightly increased in size. 3) Mild dilatation of the pancreatic duct as well as the proximal biliary duct with soft tissue strandy changes surrounding the head of the pancreas in the region of the porta. It appears grossly unchanged since the prior examination and is consistent with pancreatitis. No evidence of pancreatic pseudocyst or abscess is currently seen. Given the recurrent nature, an obstructing lesion of the head of the pancreas cannot be excluded. ERCP would be recommended if clinically indicated. 4) Splenomegaly. 5) Small left inguinal hernia containing fluid.

Peter Anderson
pancreas, radiology