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RADIOLOGY: KIDNEY: Case# 33105: ? FOCAL XGP. Ninety-two year old black female with multiple medical problems with a history of recent urosepsis. Patient presents with fevers. 1) Heterogeneous left kidney with hydronephrosis and cortical thinning. Contiguous soft tissue mass is most consistent with inflammatory/infectious process. Possible etiologies include xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, malakoplakia, TB or fungal process. Neoplasm would be less likely. 2) Excess fluid within the uterus may be due to cervical obstruction. The area of the cervix is not well seen due to artifact. This raises the suspicion for endometrial cancer versus endometrial hyperplasia versus cervical carcinoma. Please correlate clinically. 3) Dilated common bile duct in a patient status post cholecystectomy with an adjacent low attenuation lesion in the head of the pancreas which most likely represents cystic duct remnant or pancreatic head cyst. No pancreatic mass is present.

Peter Anderson
kidney, radiology