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RADIOLOGY: PANCREAS: Case# 33517: PANCREAS CARCINOMA NICE ARTERIAL PHASE. 81-year-old female with renal cell carcinoma, status post right nephrectomy in 1997. 1. Hypodense mass within the pancreatic body/tail with associated pancreatic ductal dilatation and atrophy of the body and tail of the pancreas. The findings are most consistent with primary pancreatic carcinoma. 2. Two peripherally enhancing liver metastases. The smallest, third hepatic lesion described above is most compatible with hemangioma. 3. Portahepatis and portocaval nodal metastases as described above. 4. Status post right nephrectomy. 5. Small pleural based nodule within the left lung base. This most likely represents scarring/fibrosis although metastasis cannot be excluded.