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RADIOLOGY: FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE: Case# 33023: TRAUMATIC FETAL DEMISE - UTERINE RUPTURE VS LACERATION. 22 year old female, 30 weeks pregnant involved in MVA. 1) Right pneumothorax. 2) Comminuted acetabular fracture, left iliac crest fracture, left superior and inferior pubic rami fracture, SI joint and symphisis pubis diastasis. 3) Probable uterine rupture along the left lateral wall with bleeding into the broad ligament. There is a large volume of extraperitoneal fluid in the abdomen. 4) Although felt to be a less likely cause for the extraperitoneal fluid, an extraperitoneal bladder rupture or occult GI injury cannot be excluded based on this CT. 5) Intrauterine contents show multiple skull fractures with possible intracranial hemorrhage. Intrauterine fetal demise was verified sonographically.

Peter Anderson