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RADIOLOGY: ABDOMEN: Case# 33001: DUPLICATED OBSTRUCTED KIDNEY, STENT LOWER POLE. 41-year-old white female with malignant melanoma of the left knee with metastases to the inguinal lymph nodes. The patient is status post lymph node dissection. 1. 2.0 x 1.0 cm left para-aortic lymph node is minimally decreased in size from the prior examination; the change is probably not significant. This lymph node was successfully biopsied using CT guidance. 2. 1.0 cm low attenuation lesion in right hepatic lobe is unchanged since the previous examination. The lesion is too small to characterize. 3. Duplicated left urinary collecting system. A stent is seen in the left ureter with decreased enhancement of the superior and posterior aspects of the left kidney. The stent and decreased enhancement are new since the prior examination. There is duplication of the collecting system with stenting of the inferior moiety only. 4. A 1.0 x 1.2 cm low attenuation area is seen in the region of the left psoas muscle and is of uncertain significance. 5. Post-surgical changes in the left groin. 6. Prominence of the left adnexa which is unchanged since the prior examination. 7. No evidence of pulmonary metastases.

Peter Anderson