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RADIOLOGY: ABDOMEN: Case# 32924: LYMPHOMA INVOLVING RENAL PELVIS & URETER. The patient is a 44 year old female with a history of lymphoma involving the ovaries and the liver. She is status post wedge resection of the liver and she has undergone chemotherapy. A 3cm aortocaval node is present just below the level of the left renal vein. Tumor is seen to encase the right ureter from the level of the renal pelvis to the level of the pelvic brim. This does not cause obstruction. Posteriolateral to the right psoas muscle, adjacent to the right iliacus, there is a 2.7 x 2.9 cm mass. Although primary lymphoma of the kidney is rare, metastatic lymphoma or direct invasion is common. Lymphomas involving the kidney are usually non-Hodgkins lymphomas. Lymphoma usually presents in the kidney as multiple bilateral solid renal masses. Diffuse disease with enlargement of the kidney, solitary bulky masses, and tumor invasion into the renal sinus also occur. Bilaterality, adenopathy, and splenomegaly suggest lymphoma.

Peter Anderson
abdomen, radiology