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RADIOLOGY: GASTROINTESTINAL: GI: Case# 116: ?SMALL BOWEL LYMPHOMA. 79-year-old white male with a history of weight loss and rectal bleeding for the last month presents for evaluation of cause. 1. The appearance of a short segment of thickened small bowel with carcinomatosis as well as lymphadenopathy within the abdomen most likely represents lymphoma. The thickened area of sigmoid colon seen also makes colon cancer a possibility but is felt less likely. It is doubtful that this lesion represents carcinoid. 2. Multiple areas of low attenuation in the liver are consistent with metastatic disease. 3. Significant lymphadenopathy within the abdomen with a few metastatic liver lesions noted makes lymphoma the most probable primary tumor choice. 4. Lytic area in right iliac wing with sclerotic rim, most likely represents old trauma rather than metastatic disease.

Peter Anderson