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RADIOLOGY: ABDOMEN: Case# 87: HEMACHROMATOSIS. 39-year-old gentleman with cirrhosis. Diffuse low signal intensity is present particularly on the T2 and gradient-echo sequences. No focal signal abnormality is identified in the liver. The liver itself is small with a nodular contour and enlarged left lobe. There is moderate ascites. The portal vein and proximal right and left portal venous branches are patent. Hepatic veins also appear patent. There is marked splenomegaly, with diffusely decreased attenuation throughout the spleen, resulting in very low T2 signal intensity nodules throughout the spleen. In primary hemochromatosis, iron accumulates in numerous organs, especially the liver causing cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Secondary hemochromatosis occurs due to iron overload of the reticuloendothelial system. On MRI, the affected liver shows a dramatic decrease in signal intensity.

Peter Anderson