→Virtual Microscopy
File:IPLab3ForeignBodyGranuloma5.jpg|This is a fully-polarized view of lung showing numerous birefringent particles.
== Virtual Microscopy ==
=== Lung: Foreign Body Granulomas ===
=== Normal Lung ===
== Study Questions ==
* <spoiler text="Compare and contrast the tissue reactions to carbon (anthracosis), talc, and silica. What factors are important in the pathogenesis of tissue injury due to these foreign materials?">Carbon is relatively inert and leads to little if any tissue damage.
=== Images ===
* [{{SERVER}}/library/index.php?/tags/526-talc_granuloma PEIR Digital Library: Talc Granuloma Images]
* [http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/LUNGHTML/LUNGIDX.html#10 WebPath: Interstitial Lung Diseases]
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