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IPLab:Lab 2:Metaplasia

386 bytes added, 21:46, 19 June 2020
== Images ==
<gallery heights="250px" widths="250px">
File:IPLab2Metaplasia1IPLab2Metaplasia1b.jpgJPG| Gross photograph of this kidney with a stone (arrow) in the renal pelvis.File:IPLab2Metaplasia2b.JPG|This is a low-power photomicrograph showing the full cortical and medullary thickness of the kidney. Note that there is a dilated calyx containing some red blood cells in the center of the section (arrow). The cortex is markedly thin and has severe lesions of degeneration and atrophy, although these are hard to appreciate at this low magnification.File:IPLab2Metaplasia2IPLab2Metaplasia3b.jpg|This highhigher-power photomicrograph demonstrates the transitional epithelium lining the renal calyx (1) and the junction (transition zone) to a thicker hyperplastic epithelium (2). Note the inflammatory cells and increased vascular response in the stromal tissue (3) lying beneath the normal transitional epithelium.File:IPLab2Metaplasia3IPLab2Metaplasia4b.jpg|A higher-power view shows the junction of more normal epithelium (1) with a transition to hyperplastic transitional and metaplastic epithelium (2). Note the inflammatory cells in the subepithelial tissue.File:IPLab2Metaplasia4.jpg|This is a higher-power photomicrograph of the junction of normal epithelium (1) with hyperplastic transitional epithelium (2).File:IPLab2Metaplasia5IPLab2Metaplasia5b.jpg|In some areas adjacent to the normal transitional epithelium, there are areas takes on morphologic characteristics of squamous epithelium (arrows) where the epithelial cells have the character of normal squamous epithelium as found in the dermis. However, squamous epithelium is not normal in the renal pelvis. This adaptive change is referred to as squamous metaplasia.File:IPLab2Metaplasia6.jpg|A high-power photomicrograph of the squamous epithelium shows inflammatory cells in the subepithelial tissue and the formation of keratinized epithelium (arrows).File:IPLab2Metaplasia7.jpg|This is a photomicrograph of the trachea from a smoker. Note that the columnar ciliated epithelium has been replaced by squamous epithelium.
== Virtual Microscopy ==
=== Kidney: Metaplasia ===
=== Normal Kidney ===
== Study Questions ==
* <spoiler text="What is a neurogenic bladder and what complications may result from this condition?">A neurogenic bladder is any condition or dysfunction of the urinary bladder caused by a lesion of the central or peripheral nervous system. Complications primarily include stasis, infection, and stone formation.</spoiler>
* <spoiler text="What factors in this case predisposed to nephrolithiasis?">Stasis and infection.</spoiler>
* <spoiler text="Does this metaplastic process predispose to neoplasia?">YesNo.</spoiler>
== Additional Resources ==
=== Journal Articles ===
* Pak CYBarbera M, Sakhaee KFitzgerald RC. [ Cellular Mechanisms of Barrett's Esophagus Development]. ''Surg Oncol Clin N Am '' 2009 18:393–410.* Spechler SJ and Souza RF. [ Barrett’s Esophagus]. ''N Engl J Med'' 2014 371:836-45.* Barbera M, Peterson RDFitzgerald RC. [ Cellular origin of Barrett’s metaplasia and oesophageal stem cells]. ''Biochem. Soc. Trans'' 2010 38:370–373.* Mills JC and Sansom OJ. [ Reserve stem cells: Differentiated cells reprogram to fuel repair, Poindexter JRmetaplasia, Frawley WHand neoplasia in the adult gastrointestinal tract]. ''Sci. Signal'' 2015 8(385):re8.* Clouston B and Lawrentschuk N. [http://wwwonlinelibrary.ncbiwiley.nlmcom/doi/10.nih1111/bju.gov12378/pubmed/11473659 Biochemical profile full Metaplastic conditions of idiopathic uric acid nephrolithiasisthe bladder]. ''Kidney BJU Int'' 2001 Aug;602013 112(Suppl 2):75727-6131.
=== Images ===
* [{{SERVER}}/library/index.php?/tags/148-bladder/11-urinary PEIR Digital Library: Bladder Images]
* [ WebPath: Renal Pathology Images]