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IPLab:Lab 13:Myelomeningocele

57 bytes removed, 21:17, 9 July 2020
Clinical Summary
== Clinical Summary ==
This male fetus of a 21-year-old Rh-positive mother (Gravida 2 Para 1011) was the product of an induced delivery at 21 weeks gestation. At 19 weeks gestation, routine prenatal examination had revealed a maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level that was 4.2 times the mean for a mother at this point in gestation. A targeted ultrasound was ordered--which revealed a lumbosacral neural tube defect--and an amniocentesis was performed. Amniotic fluid showed an AFP level that was 5.3 times the calculated median value and cytogenetic analysis demonstrated a normal male (46XY) chromosome pattern. The parents requested termination of the pregnancy and a 465-gram male nondysmorphic stillborn fetus was delivered vaginally.
== Autopsy Findings == There At autopsy there was a myelomeningocele in the lumbar region that measured 1.6 cm in width and 3.7 cm in length.
== Images ==
=== Images ===
* [{{SERVER}}/library/index.php?/tags/2173-myelomeningocele PEIR Digital Library: Myelomeningocele Images]
* [ WebPath: Pediatric-Perinatal Pathology]
== Related IPLab Cases ==
{{IPLab 13}}
[[Category: IPLab:Lab 13]]