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IPLab:Lab 6:Glomerulonephritis

149 bytes removed, 23:40, 8 July 2020
Autopsy Findings
== Clinical Summary ==
This 1727-year-old white male had end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis for 10 years. For the previous four years he had hypertension which slowly increased to about 180/120 mm Hg. Laboratory findings included a greatly markedly elevated BUN and creatinine. He was admitted for underwent bilateral nephrectomy and discharged in satisfactory condition was placed on the 10th postoperative day. He was to be contacted in the future for transplantationtransplant list.
== Autopsy Findings ==The left (97 grams) and right (88 grams) On examination the kidneys were of similar in appearance. Cortices were pale, diffusely granular with a few 1-2 mm cysts. On being sectioned, the cortex of each kidney was thin (4-5 mm) and pale. Renal medullae were pale yellow-tan in color and there was abundant peripelvic fat. The ureters, pelvis, calyces and hilar vessels showed no abnormalities.
== Images ==