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Pathology Education Instructional Resource β


This Is Your Brain On Informatics: MariaDB SQL Commands

3 bytes removed, 04:43, 12 April 2014
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| style="padding: 10px" | INSERT
| style="padding: 10px" | INSERT INTO ''table_name''<br />VALUES (''value1, value2, value3,...''); <br><br> INSERT INTO ''table_name'' (''column1,column2,column3,...'')<br />VALUES (''value1, value2, value3,...''); -- specifies the columns the values go into
| style="padding: 10px" | Used with INTO to insert new data entries into the specified columns
| style="padding: 10px" | INTO
| style="padding: 10px" | SELECT * or ''column_name(s)''<br />INTO ''newtable'' [IN ''externaldb'']<br />FROM ''table1'';
| style="padding: 10px" | Used with SELECT command to copy ''column_names'' from ''table1'' into ''newtable''