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This Is Your Brain On Informatics: MariaDB SQL Commands

2,013 bytes added, 04:43, 12 April 2014
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==MariaDB SQL Commands==
<p>The language of Maria DBNote that the commands are capitalized by convention.</p>
{| class = "wikitable"
|- align = "center"! colspan = "3" | Common Commands in SQL|- align = "center"! colspan ="3" | Boolean Operators|- align = "center"| Boolean Operators| colspan ="3" | AND-|- align style= "centerpadding: 10px"| colspan ="3" | OR|- align = "center"| colspan ="3" | NOTAND
! Command* !! Syntax !! Description| style="padding: 10px" colspan="3" align = "center" | OR
| mysql style="padding: 10px" colspan="3" align = "center" || mysql -u ''username'' -p || Command line command where ''username'' should be replaced by the user's account nameNOT
| `''table''` || || ! Command*! Syntax for indicating a table! Description
| AS style="padding: 10px" | mysql| style="padding: 10px" | mysql -u ''varusername'' -p|style="padding: 10px" | || Sets an output to a variable Command line command where ''username'' should be replaced by the user's account name
| AUTO_INCREMENT style="padding: 10px" |`''table''`| style="padding: 10px" || Automatically adds +1 to an entry style="padding: 10px" | Syntax for indicating a column for each successive entrytable
| AVG() style="padding: 10px" |AS ''var''| style="padding: 10px" || Gives style="padding: 10px" | Sets an average of the values in the indicated columnoutput to a variable
| BIGINT style="padding: 10px" |AUTO_INCREMENT | style="padding: 10px" || 64-bit integerstyle="padding: 10px" | Automatically adds +1 to an entry for a column for each successive entry
| CHAR style="padding: 10px" |AVG()| style="padding: 10px" || Assigns a character variable (allows ONLY 1 character)style="padding: 10px" | Gives an average of the values in the indicated column
| CREATE TABLE `''table''` style="padding: 10px" |BIGINT| style="padding: 10px" || Creates a table of the given name with the properly input variable (see below)style="padding: 10px" | 64-bit integer
| CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `[table]` style="padding: 10px" |CHAR| style="padding: 10px" || Creates style="padding: 10px" | Assigns a temporary table of the given namecharacter variable (allows ONLY 1 character)
| DATE style="padding: 10px" |CREATE TABLE| style="padding: 10px" |CREATE TABLE `''table''` (<br />`''column_name1''` ''DATA_TYPE'',<br />`''column_name2''` ''DATA_TYPE'',<br />''etc.''<br />);| Assigns style="padding: 10px" | Creates a date variable table of the form 00-00-0000given name with the properly input variable (see below)
| FROM style="padding: 10px" |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE| style="padding: 10px" || Denotes which CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `''table SELECT pulls the columns from ''` (e.g. SELECT [col1]<br />`''column_name1''` ''DATA_TYPE'',[col2] FROM <br />`''tablecolumn_name2''`''DATA_TYPE'',<br />''etc.''<br />);| style="padding: 10px" | Creates a temporary table of the given name
| INSERT style="padding: 10px" |DATE| INSERT INTO ''table_name''<br /><br />VALUES (''value1,value2,value3,...'');<br /><br />INSERT INTO ''table_name'' (''column1,column2,column3,...'')<br /><br />VALUES (''value1,value2,value3,...''); -- specifies the columns the values go into style="padding: 10px" | |style="padding: 10px" | Used with INTO to insert new data entries into Assigns a date variable of the specified columnsform 00-00-0000
| INT style="padding: 10px" |FROM| style="padding: 10px" |FROM `''table''`| 32-bit integerstyle="padding: 10px" | Denotes which table SELECT pulls the columns from (e.g. SELECT [col1],[col2] FROM `''table''`
| INTO style="padding: 10px" | INSERT|style="padding: 10px" | SELECT * or INSERT INTO ''column_nametable_name''<br />VALUES (s)''value1, value2, value3,...''); <br><br />INSERT INTO ''newtabletable_name'' [IN (''externaldbcolumn1, column2, column3,...''])<br />FROM VALUES (''table1value1, value2, value3,...'');-- specifies the columns the values go into |style="padding: 10px" | Used with SELECT command INTO to copy ''column_names'' from ''table1'' insert new data entries into ''newtable''the specified columns
| LIMIT # style="padding: 10px" |INT | style="padding: 10px" || Limits to the top # number of entries (not necessarily by rank)style="padding: 10px" | 32-bit integer
| MAXstyle="padding: 10px" | INTO | style="padding: 10px" | SELECT ''column_name(s) ''<br />INTO ''newtable'' [IN ''externaldb'']<br />FROM ''table1'';|style="padding: 10px" | || Gives the maximum of the values in the indicated columnUsed with SELECT command to copy ''column_names'' from ''table1'' into ''newtable''
| MIN() style="padding: 10px" | LIMIT # |style="padding: 10px" | |style="padding: 10px" | Gives Limits to the minimum top # number of the values in the indicated columnentries (not necessarily by rank)
| PRIMARY KEY style="padding: 10px" |MAX() | style="padding: 10px" || Indicates which variable will differentiate each data entrystyle="padding: 10px" | Gives the maximum of the values in the indicated column
| SELECT style="padding: 10px" |MIN()| style="padding: 10px" || Selects columns from a database for analysisstyle="padding: 10px" | Gives the minimum of the values in the indicated column
| UNSIGNED style="padding: 10px" |PRIMARY KEY| style="padding: 10px" || only allows positive integers or float values, always assigned after BIGINT or INT valuestyle="padding: 10px" | Indicates which variable will differentiate each data entry
| style="padding: 10px" | SELECT| style="padding: 10px" | | style="padding: 10px" | Selects columns from a database for analysis|-| style="padding: 10px" | UNSIGNED| style="padding: 10px" | | style="padding: 10px" | only allows positive integers or float values, always assigned after BIGINT or INT value|-| style="padding: 10px" | UPDATE |style="padding: 10px" | UPDATE ''table_name''<br />SET ''column1=value1,column2=value2,...''<br />WHERE ''some_column''=''some_value;'' |style="padding: 10px" | Changes ''column1'' to ''value1'' based on the WHERE statement (use something unique to update only one row)
| style="padding: 10px" | USE ''database'' |style="padding: 10px" | |style="padding: 10px" | Selects database for manipulation and analysis
| style="padding: 10px" | VARCHAR(#) |style="padding: 10px" | |style="padding: 10px" | Assigns a character array variable of length #
| style="padding: 10px" | WHERE |style="padding: 10px" | |style="padding: 10px" | Limits the available values SELECT can pull from each column based on a logical statement (e.g. WHERE ''col1'' < 10)
<p>*Commands are capitalized by convention.</p>
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