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This Is Your Brain On Informatics: User Interfaces

1 byte added, 22:41, 22 January 2014
The interface phpMyAdmin is actually one of the most popular web server database interface tools. Unfortunately, this comes with the downside of being the most common target for hackers , making it a much larger security vulnerability than SQLbuddy. Also, it is not quite as lightweight, meaning it is slightly slower (not really noticeably with small queries though). But what it lacks in those departments, it makes up in sheer user friendliness. It is very easy to use this interface to manipulate a database without even really knowing any SQL (something that should NOT be indulged in by someone writing code, but it still makes manipulations easy). If SQL is the way to go for you, the SQL editor will highlight the syntax intelligibly to make it easier to read and spot errors. The choice really depends on your needs: quick and nimble without unneeded bells and whistles or slightly slower with heavy user interface.